
(주)바이탈스 Vitals


Beyond the limit

We will strive for the safety and development of mankind by creating new demands.

As can be seen through the controversial toxic humidifier disinfectant cases in 2011, Fipronil egg contaminations, and toxic sanitary pads, the safety of such everyday chemical substances is an issue close to our lives. It is also the direct reason Vitals was founded. As we have stated in our company vision statement, our journey began with the safety of life. Moreover, we are proving it to be a viable business model per se.

It is inevitable to take a toxicological approach regarding the safety issue of everyday chemical substances that we encounter all the time. However, in the current day, where hundreds of types of chemical substances are introduced, the previous toxicological testing methods cannot help but face a limit. Although this is regretful, it also happens to be our primary business model. Therefore, it is a fact that our business field will expand perpetually as long as humankind exists, and this is our company vision.

Passionate time for developing competent talent and teamwork

Since its foundation in 2019, Vitals has been spending passionate years focusing on competent talent and teamwork, and continues to expand its business. We will continue to develop, through the development of technology, highly effective and affordable screening techniques and devices for chemical safety.